
Jens Lekman - New directions

[Modo Nostalgia: ON] Durante aquellos meses en Estocolmo aprendimos descubrimos muchas cosas. Una de ellas, este señor es profeta en su tierra.

El crooner sueco era uno de esos must en las sesiones indie de la "Venecia del Norte". Y eso que Jens Lekman proviene del otro lado, de la West Coast - Angered, Göteborg  para ser más exactos -, amparado en el sello Service, sí, el de los capos (y profetas) Studio, The Tough Alliance The Embassy.

"An argument with myself" es su nuevo EP tras 4 años y ahí encontramos este temazo:

[Nostalgia Mode: ON] During those months in Stockholm we learnt discovered lots of things. One of those, sir Jens is a prophet in his own land. The Swedish crooner was one of those must on the indie sets in the so-called "North Venice".

Jens Lekman comes from the other side though, the West Side, Angered, Göteborg to be more exact, sheltered on the Service label. Yes, the one from the capos (and prophets) StudioThe Tough Alliance or The Embassy.

"An argument with myself" is his new EP after 4 years and we find this tune right there (up here).

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