Qué grata sorpresa ver este domingo en el diario que el nuevo anuncio de Estrella Damm para este verano contará con la presencia de los suecos Billie the Vision and The Dancers. Además de servir de sponsor al F.C. Barcelona ha conseguido colocar varias canciones del verano de grupos inicialmente desconocidos para el gran público. En los 90.
Billie the Vision and The Dancers es un grupo que descubrí hace un año aprox. gracias a los "recomendados" de last.fm y lo describirá como uno de esos grupos suecos super felices que podíamos escuchar en Babasonic en el que todo el mundo daba palmas y saltaba al unísono.
Por cierto, no me gusta la birra... y Susan Boyle no es fresh stuff...
What a nice surprise I got, when opened the newspaper on Sunday and read that the new Estrella Damm ad is graced with the presence of Swedes Billie the Vision and The Dancers! This brand a part from being one of the sponsors of F.C. Barcelona had the ability of scoring several summer songs from unknown bands just by playing them on their summer commercial. That was the 90s.
Billie the Vision and The Dancers are a band I discovered about a year ago thanks to "Recommended music" in last.fm, and that I would describe as one of those hyper-happy Swedish bands you could hear played in Babasonic and where everybody clapped their hands and jumped to the beat.
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