
Telekinesis - Palm of your hand

Mi canción de la semana es tan corta como inmensa. No llega al minuto y medio como otras maravillas del pop de guitarras. Seguramente por esa simple razón Telekinesis no se atrevan a sacarla nunca como single...

Y como me ha sido imposible encontrarla, os dejo "Palm of your hand" en la lista (también corta) de este mes:

My song of the week is as short as inmense. Less than a minute and a half like other wonders of guitar pop. Surely that's the reason why Telekinesis will never dare to release it as a single...

It wasn't sort of impossible to find it, so I'll leave you "Palm of your hand" on this month's list on the top (also short).

2 comentarios:

  1. What a great band and love this track, thanks a lot for sharing it.

  2. whoa! this is probably on my top10 tunes of the year!! <3
